55-4-103 - Registration plates furnished by department Form and contents Size Replacement plates Reissue of plates County name strip Recycling of plates.

55-4-103. Registration plates furnished by department Form and contents Size Replacement plates Reissue of plates County name strip Recycling of plates.

(a)  The department shall likewise furnish to the county clerks of the various counties of the state all registration plates of all types that may be required by the county clerks in the exercise of the duties in subdivision (b)(1) imposed upon them.

(b)  (1)  Every registration plate shall have displayed upon it, in addition to a registration number, the year in which it expires and the abbreviation of the word, “Tennessee,” and if the registration plate is issued for any type of vehicle other than a privately owned passenger vehicle not operated for hire, some symbol, or word, indicating the type vehicle for which the plate was originally issued. Registration plates shall bear individual distinctive alpha-numerical characters not to exceed a combination of six (6) as determined by the commissioner.

     (2)  Registration plates shall be designed in such a manner as determined by the commissioner as will permit the display of validation or re-validation tabs, stickers, or other devices as provided in § 55-4-104(d), and registration plates shall also be designed in such a manner as determined by the commissioner as will permit thereon, and which is required, the display of county and/or municipal wheel tax tabs, stickers, or other devices evidencing payment of wheel or road taxes enacted by the respective county and/or municipality of Tennessee.

     (3)  Any county and/or municipal law or ordinance relative to the display of tabs, stickers, or other devices that may be required as evidence of the payment of wheel or road taxes, and which should be in conflict with the provisions of this section are repealed and held void. Wheel tax records shall be maintained by the county clerk for the same period of time as registration records prior to disposition.

     (4)  Registration plates shall also be designed in such a manner to require the display of tabs, stickers or devices on plates to be issued for a private passenger vehicle, which tabs, stickers or devices shall specify the name of the county of issue. The characters of the name of the county shall in no event be smaller than the characters of the words “Volunteer State” which now appear on registration plates. The area for the display of the county shall be below and parallel to the alpha-numerical legend as provided in subdivision (b)(1). Tabs, stickers or devices on plates shall be issued at the time of the issuance of the registration plates as required by this chapter and subsection (i) and displayed on the registration plates in a manner to be determined by the commissioner.

(c)  Registration plate or plates and the required numerals thereon, except the year number for which issued, shall be of sufficient size to be readable from a distance of one hundred feet (100¢) during daylight.

(d)  This section shall apply to and include any mobile home or house trailer.

(e)  The requirement in subdivision (b)(1) for displaying the year of issue on a plate may be removed with respect to those plates issued under the provisions of a registration which does not require annual renewal.

(f)  (1)  To promote highway safety and increase visibility and legibility on registration plates, the plates shall be fully reflectorized. The commissioner has the authority to establish specifications covering reflectorization.

     (2)  In addition to the fee imposed in subdivision (f)(3) and in addition to all other motor vehicle registration fees prescribed by law, there shall be paid to the department the additional fee of seventy-five cents (75¢) at the time of the issuance of registration plates or the renewal thereof.

     (3)  In addition to all other motor vehicle registration fees prescribed by law, there shall be paid to the department the additional sum of one dollar ($1.00) at the time of the issuance of registration plates or the renewal thereof.

(g)  When any plate becomes so mutilated or effaced as to no longer meet the requirements of the law, the holder shall apply to the department for suitable replacement. The commissioner is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations as may be necessary to provide for the replacement of lost or destroyed plates and to collect a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for each application.

(h)  Commencing January 1, 2006, and not later than each eighth anniversary thereafter, the commissioner shall cause to be reissued a new registration plate of a design as directed by the commissioner consistent with the terms, conditions and provisions of this section and this chapter. New registration plates shall not be issued prior to January 1, 2006; provided, however, that the issue of the new registration plates on January 1, 2006, and any subsequent issuance shall be deferred to a later January 1 if funds for the reissue of the registration plates are not appropriated specifically in the general appropriations act.

(i)  County residents who purchase a vehicle out of their county of residence shall receive a county name strip from the county clerk of their county of residence upon proof of proper registration and payment of any county wheel tax or other applicable county fees.

(j)  After January 1, 2009, every motor vehicle owner who replaces the registration plate on the owner’s motor vehicle may deposit the old, outdated or expired registration plate with the department of revenue or its agents in a manner determined by the commissioner pursuant to this subsection (j). The department of revenue shall create a program that promotes the recycling of used or outdated registration plates for the metal content in the plates. The program shall require each county facility where registration plates are issued to have a site for placing a bin or other container to collect used, outdated or expired registration plates for recycling. Each renewal notice of registration shall contain information regarding any such recycling program for registration plates. The commissioner may enter into contractual agreements with nonprofit organizations for the collection, disposal and recycling of used, expired or outdated registration plates, including the placement and maintenance of recycling bins or containers at county facilities where registration plates are issued, and the transportation of the registration plates to recycling facilities. Notwithstanding any provision of this subsection (j) to the contrary, the commissioner shall not be required to enter into an agreement or create a program pursuant to this subsection (j) that would require the department of revenue to incur, pay, or otherwise assume responsibility for the payment of, expenses associated with the collection, disposal or recycling of used, expired or outdated registration plates. However, contractual agreements may allow nonprofit organizations to retain proceeds from the collection, disposal and recycling as an incentive to participation. The county mayor shall designate a location on county property, either inside or outside of any county facility where registration plates are issued, for the placement of recycling bins or containers. Other than providing a location for a bin or container, the county shall have no responsibility for implementation of the recycling program or liability for its operation. If a contractor is not maintaining recycling facilities in a satisfactory manner on county property, the county mayor may notify the commissioner of revenue. The commissioner shall take appropriate steps to ensure that the contractor remedies the problem or terminate the agreement and find a suitable replacement.

[Acts 1951, ch. 70, § 64 (Williams, § 5538.164); impl. am. Acts 1959, ch. 9, § 14; Acts 1963, ch. 143, § 6; 1967, ch. 122, § 2; 1969, ch. 334, § 1; 1970, ch. 499, § 1; 1971, ch. 12, § 1; 1972, ch. 742, § 1; 1974, ch. 668, § 1; 1975, ch. 98, § 1; 1975, ch. 357, § 1; 1977, ch. 39, § 1; impl. am. Acts 1978, ch. 934, §§ 22, 36; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 59-403; Acts 1986, ch. 816, §§ 1-4; 1987, ch. 321, § 1; 1988, ch. 710, § 1; 1988, ch. 971, § 1; 1990, ch. 716, § 1; 1991, ch. 90, § 1; 1991, ch. 405, § 1; 1996, ch. 687, § 3; 1997, ch. 251, § 1; 1997, ch. 538, § 1; 2003, ch. 355, § 17; 2004, ch. 481, §§ 1-3; 2008, ch. 605, § 1; 2009, ch. 530, § 113.]