55-10-313 - Employer's liability for violations by employee driving nonmotor vehicle Liability of driver.

55-10-313. Employer's liability for violations by employee driving nonmotor vehicle Liability of driver.

(a)  The employer of any driver of a nonmotor vehicle who violates § 55-8-178, intentionally or through carelessness, is liable to an action for damages at the suit of anyone who, in person or property, sustains an injury thereby.

(b)  The person so offending, as well as that person's employer, shall be liable to a civil action for all damages consequent on the violation.

[Code 1858, §§ 1179, 1181 (deriv. Acts 1837-1838, ch. 114, § 6); Shan., §§ 1606, 1608; Code 1932, §§ 2678, 2679; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 59-1039.]