5-14-110 - Emergency purchases.

5-14-110. Emergency purchases.

(a)  The county purchasing agent may authorize any department or agency of the county government to purchase in the open market, without filing requisition or estimate, any supplies, materials or equipment for immediate delivery in actual emergencies arising from unforeseen causes, including delays by contractors, delays in transportation, and unanticipated volume of work; but such emergencies shall not include conditions arising from neglect or indifference in anticipating normal needs.

(b)  (1)  Such direct emergency purchases, however, may only be made by department or agency heads at times when the office of the county purchasing agent is closed.

     (2)  At all other times, only the county purchasing agent shall make these purchases.

     (3)  A report of such emergency purchase, when made by a department or agency head, together with a record of the competitive bids secured and upon which it was based, shall be submitted in writing to the county purchasing agent before the close of the next working day following the date of such purchase, by the head of the county department or agency concerned, together with a full and complete account of the circumstances of such emergency.

     (4)  Such report shall be kept on file and shall be open to public inspection.

[Acts 1957, ch. 312, § 9; T.C.A., § 5-1410.]