5-14-107 - Rules and regulations.
5-14-107. Rules and regulations.
The county purchasing agent, with the assistance of the county purchasing commission, shall adopt, promulgate, and may from time to time amend, rules and regulations for the purchase of supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services and specifically for the following purposes:
(1) Authorizing in writing any department, official or agency of the county government to make purchases in the open market for immediate delivery in emergencies, defining such emergencies, describing the manner in which such emergency purchases shall be made and promptly afterward reported to the county purchasing agent;
(2) Prescribing the manner in which supplies, materials and equipment shall be requisitioned, purchased, delivered, stored and distributed, and providing that such shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this part;
(3) Prescribing the dates for submitting requisitions and estimates, the future period they are to cover, the form in which they are to be submitted, the manner of their authentication, and their revision by the county purchasing agent;
(4) Prescribing the manner of inspecting all deliveries of supplies, materials and equipment, and of making or procuring chemical and physical tests of samples submitted with bids and samples of deliveries to determine compliance with specifications;
(5) Requiring periodical and special reports by county departments, agencies, and employees of stocks of surplus, unusable or obsolete supplies and equipment on hand and prescribing the form of such reports;
(6) Providing for the transfer to or between county departments and agencies of supplies and equipment on hand, that are surplus with one (1) department or agency, but that may be needed by another or others, and for the disposal by sale, after receipt of competitive bids, of supplies, materials and equipment that are obsolete or unusable;
(7) Determining whether a deposit or bond is to be submitted with a bid on a purchase contract or sale, and if required, prescribing the amount and form thereof, and providing that such surety shall be forfeited if the successful bidder refuses to enter into contract ten (10) days after the award;
(8) Prescribing the manner in which invoices for supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services delivered to any and all departments, agencies and offices of the county shall be submitted, examined and approved;
(9) Providing for all other such matters as may be necessary to give effect to the foregoing rules and to the provisions of this part; and
(10) Prescribing the manner in which public auctions for the sale of county-owned property, real or personal, that has become surplus, obsolete or unusable shall be conducted.
[Acts 1957, ch. 312, § 4; T.C.A., § 5-1405; Acts 1984, ch. 647, § 1.]