5-12-209 - Review of proposed budgets Presentation to county legislative body.

5-12-209. Review of proposed budgets Presentation to county legislative body.

(a)  On or before June 1 of each year, the county mayor or budget committee shall consolidate and review the various department, office and agency budgets, and other proposed appropriations, if any. Any change in the budget proposed by the county mayor or budget committee shall be reviewed by the county mayor or budget committee with the affected officer or department or agency head, and an attempt will be made to arrive at a mutually acceptable budget amount. If the county mayor or budget committee reaches agreement with the affected officers, department and agency heads, then this change shall be reflected in the consolidated budget and accompanying property tax rate resolution and appropriation resolution, which shall be presented to the county legislative body. If the county mayor or budget committee cannot reach agreement with any affected officer or department or agency head concerning the budget of the office, department or agency, then the consolidated budget shall be presented to the county legislative body with the original proposed budget for the office, department or agency affected, and the county mayor or budget committee shall submit the proposed budget changes in a separate accompanying document, or as an additional column of information in the consolidated budget, and shall also submit this with a property tax rate resolution and appropriation resolution. The county mayor or budget committee shall outline the proposed changes to the consolidated budget and shall state the reasons for the proposed changes in a budget message to the county legislative body.

(b)  The county mayor or budget committee may propose changes to the consolidated budget, the property tax rate resolution and appropriation resolution until the same are approved by the county legislative body, or until July 15, whichever occurs first.

[Acts 1993, ch. 431, § 9; 2003, ch. 90, § 2.]