49-9-209 - Powers of the trustees.

49-9-209. Powers of the trustees.

(a)  By the name of the “Trustees of the University of Tennessee,” the trustees shall have perpetual succession and a common seal.

(b)  (1)  The trustees and their successors designated in subsection (a) shall be endowed with and receive in such manner as the general assembly may from time to time direct, that part of the donation specified in Acts 1807, chapter 64 that designed for the college in East Tennessee. They shall be capable in law to purchase, receive and hold to them and their successors forever, or for any less estate, any lands, tenements, goods or chattels that is given, granted or devised to them, or purchased by them for the use of the university, and to use and dispose of the lands, tenements, goods or chattels, in such manner as to them shall seem most advantageous for the use of the university.

(2)  None of the real or personal estate belonging to the university shall be disposed of or appropriated at any session of the board, except at a stated session.

(c)  The trustees and their successors may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court of law or equity in this state or elsewhere.

(d)  (1)  The trustees at their stated sessions shall have full power and authority to elect a president and such professors, tutors and other officers in the university as they may judge necessary.

     (2)  No president or professor of the university shall ever be chosen except at a stated session of the board; but temporary appointments that will expire with the next stated session after they are made may be made at an adjourned or called session of the board.

     (3)  At any stated session, the board has power to remove the president, professors or any other officer of the university.

     (4)  At any stated session, the board has the power to fix and regulate the respective salaries of the president, professors or other officers.

(e)  (1)  The trustees at their stated sessions shall also have full power and authority to make bylaws, rules and regulations for the government of the university and the promotion of education in the university that in their opinion may be expedient or necessary.

     (2)  The bylaws, rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the United States or of this state.

(f)  The president and professors of the university, with the advice and consent of a majority of the board, shall have full power and authority, at any stated session of the board, to confer on any student in the university, or any other person they may think proper, the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts or any other degree known and used in any college or university in any of the United States.

[Acts 1807, ch. 64, §§ 1-8; 1839-1840, ch. 98, §§ 4, 5; 1868-1869, ch. 88, § 1; 1879, ch. 85, § 1; 1909, ch. 48, § 1; Shan. §§ 369, 373a1; Code 1932, § 573; modified; Acts 1971, ch. 352, § 1.]