49-6-2307 - Minimum nutritional standards for individual food items.

49-6-2307. Minimum nutritional standards for individual food items.

(a)  The state board of education, in consultation and cooperation with the department of education and the department of health, shall promulgate rules to establish minimum nutritional standards for individual food items sold or offered for sale to pupils in pre-kindergarten through grade eight (pre-K-8) through vending machines or other sources, including school nutrition programs.

(b)  The rules shall address, but shall not be limited to, the following:

     (1)  The establishment of minimum nutritional standards and nutritionally sound portion sizes for individual food items sold or offered for sale to pupils in pre-kindergarten through grade eight (pre-K-8) and standards governing the time, place and circumstances of any such sale or offer to sell; and

     (2)  A requirement that a noncompliant vendor, individual or entity shall reimburse a school nutrition program for any penalties assessed against the school nutrition program for any violation of the rules committed by the noncompliant vendor, individual or entity.

(c)  Nothing in this section, or any rule promulgated pursuant to this section, shall be construed to prohibit a school nutrition program from selling or serving federally reimbursable meals to pupils in pre-kindergarten through grade eight (pre-K-8).

(d)  Nothing in this section, or any rule promulgated under § 49-6-2303, shall be construed to prevent an LEA or a school from utilizing a request for proposals for any proposed contract for vending machines or vending services, pursuant to school board policy.

[Acts 2004, ch. 708, § 1.]