49-5-5631 - Teacher training faculty involvement in kindergarten through grade twelve.
49-5-5631. Teacher training faculty involvement in kindergarten through grade twelve.
(a) All full-time college of education faculty members, including deans of such colleges and universities, shall further their professional development through direct personal involvement in the public school setting of kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) on a periodic basis.
(b) The faculty involvement shall take the form of in-service training activities for public school teachers, observation and evaluation of student teachers or classroom instruction in a public school.
(c) This program shall be developed by the state board of education, acting in concert with the University of Tennessee board of trustees, the state board of regents and the Tennessee higher education commission. The Tennessee council of private colleges and universities shall be invited to participate.
(d) After initial implementation, the state board of education, the Tennessee higher education commission, the state board of regents and the University of Tennessee board of trustees shall designate subcommittees to meet jointly at least annually for structured meetings to coordinate policy on matters of mutual interest. An appropriate representative body of the approved private colleges and universities training teachers in this state shall be invited to participate.
[Acts 1984 (1st E.S.), ch. 7, § 74.]