49-5-5605 - Proficiency tests.

49-5-5605. Proficiency tests.

(a)  All students desiring a license to teach must pass both a test that measures professional knowledge and a standardized or criterion-referenced test for each desired area of endorsement. These tests shall be developed or acquired by the department of education, validated and administered by the department at each institution or made available through the regular administration offered by a national testing organization. These tests shall be secure. Before the tests are placed in use, the board shall submit the tests to the joint oversight committee on education for review and comment.

(b)  The department shall allow an extra year for an applicant to be administered the state teachers certification test and shall make special accommodation in administration of the tests provided for by this section under the following circumstances:

     (1)  The applicant has been employed by an LEA for one (1) year or more;

     (2)  The applicant has favorable recommendations from the local board and local director of schools;

     (3)  The applicant has a handicapping condition, including dyslexia, that adversely affects the applicant's ability to successfully complete the test;

     (4)  The applicant has previously been unsuccessful in achieving a passing score on the test; and

     (5)  In previous testing, the applicant has demonstrated a probable likelihood of success in passing the test, given additional time, reading assistance, oral administration of or response to test questions or other reasonable measures that would not compromise validity of the test.

[Acts 1984 (1st E.S.), ch. 7, § 69; 1987, ch. 308, § 8; 1996, ch. 667, § 1; 1996, ch. 978, § 2; 1998, ch. 634, § 1.]