49-5-5208 - Term of employment, duties, and supplement of career level III teachers.

49-5-5208. Term of employment, duties, and supplement of career level III teachers.

(a)  (1)  Any certified career level III teacher, paid as such, shall be employed for not less than ten (10) nor more than twelve (12) months and perform additional duties prescribed by the LEA from a list of activities approved by the commissioner of education. A career level III teacher shall perform those duties prescribed by the LEA and such other additional duties as may be provided for in § 49-5-5209.

     (2)  Upon receiving a career level III certificate, a teacher shall choose a ten-, eleven-, or twelve-month contract. If the teacher chooses either an eleven- or twelve-month contract, that teacher may receive either the full amount of either the eleven- or twelve-month supplement if that teacher's services are required during the eleventh or twelfth months or that portion of the eleven- or twelve-month supplement representing a supplement for outstanding performance. The amount received by the teacher shall be determined by the needs of the LEA for teachers during the eleventh and twelfth months.

(b)  (1)  Duly certified career level III teachers who are employed as such by an LEA under a ten-month contract shall receive a three thousand dollar ($3,000) salary supplement in addition to any other compensation to which the teacher may be entitled.

     (2)  Duly certified career level III teachers who are employed as such by an LEA under an eleven-month contract shall receive a five thousand dollar ($5,000) salary supplement in addition to any other compensation to which the teacher may be entitled. If the teacher is not required for work during the eleventh month, the teacher shall receive only that part of the five thousand dollar ($5,000) supplement representing compensation for outstanding performance.

     (3)  Duly certified career level III teachers who are employed as such by a local board of education under a twelve-month contract shall receive a seven thousand dollar ($7,000) salary supplement in addition to any other compensation to which the teacher may be entitled. If the teacher is not required for work during the twelfth month, the teacher shall receive only that part of the seven thousand dollar ($7,000) supplement representing compensation for outstanding performance.

[Acts 1984 (1st E.S.), ch. 7, § 33; 1984, ch. 829, §§ 17, 18; 1993, ch. 32, § 20.]