49-11-201 - Creation Membership.

49-11-201. Creation Membership.

(a)  There is created the Tennessee council for career and technical education.

(b)  The council shall consist of thirteen (13) members appointed by the governor and shall serve in an advisory capacity to the state board of education, the board of regents, the governor and the general assembly. Members of the council shall be appointed to serve terms of six (6) years. In the event a vacancy is created by the death or resignation of a member or by other cause, a successor shall be appointed within fifteen (15) days to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. The governor shall appoint a person to fill each of the following categories:

     (1)  Seven (7) individuals who are representative of the private sector in the state who shall constitute a majority of the membership:

          (A)  Five (5) shall be representative of business, industry, trade organizations and agriculture; and

          (B)  Two (2) shall be representatives of labor organizations; and

     (2)  Six (6) individuals who are representative of secondary and postsecondary vocational institutions, equitably distributed among the institutions, career guidance and counseling organizations within the state, individuals who have special knowledge and qualifications with respect to the special educational and career development needs of special populations, including women, the disadvantaged, the handicapped, individuals with limited English proficiency and minorities, and of whom one (1) member shall be representative of special education.

[Acts 1980, ch. 791, § 1; T.C.A., § 49-27-201; Acts 1985, ch. 129, § 1; 1994, ch. 763, §§ 1, 2; 2006, ch. 1016, § 4.]