49-10-204 - Special education centers.

49-10-204. Special education centers.

(a)  (1)  A special education services association may establish and operate one (1) or more special education centers to provide diagnostic, therapeutic, corrective and other services on a more comprehensive, expert, economic and efficient basis than can reasonably be provided by a single school district.

     (2)  The services may be provided in the regular schools by personnel and equipment of a center; or, whenever it is impractical or inefficient to provide them on the premises of a regular school, the center may provide services in its own facilities.

(b)  Centers established pursuant to this section also may contain classrooms and other educational facilities and equipment to supplement instruction and other services furnished to children with disabilities in the regular schools and to provide separate instruction to children whose degree or kind of disability makes it impracticable or inappropriate for them to participate in classes with normal children.

(c)  Centers established pursuant to this section may include dormitory and related facilities and services in order to permit children with disabilities who may not reasonably go to and from home daily to receive educational and related services.

(d)  (1)  No facilities may be acquired or constructed pursuant to this section unless application for the facilities has been made by the special education services association to the division of special education and a permit for the facilities has been issued by the division.

     (2)  The permit may contain such conditions as the division may deem appropriate to assure conformity with the policy of part 1, this part and parts 3-6 of this chapter.

     (3)  No permit shall be issued unless the division is satisfied that every effort has been and is being made to accommodate the educational or related services in regular school building or on regular school premises and that separate facilities are necessary.

[Acts 1972, ch. 839, § 4; T.C.A., § 49-2923; Acts 1994, ch. 768, § 2.]