49-10-203 - Administration Powers.

49-10-203. Administration Powers.

(a)  The affairs of a special education services association shall be administered by its governing board and the officers and employees of the board.

(b)  A special education services association has power to:

     (1)  Establish and operate programs and classes for the education of children with disabilities;

     (2)  Acquire, construct, maintain and operate facilities in which to provide education, corrective and supporting services for children with disabilities;

     (3)  Make arrangements with school districts participating in the special education services association for the provision of special education, corrective and supporting services to the children with disabilities of the school districts;

     (4)  Employ special education teachers and personnel required to furnish corrective or supporting services to children with disabilities;

     (5)  Acquire, hold and convey real and personal property;

     (6)  Provide transportation for children with disabilities in connection with any of its programs, classes or services;

     (7)  Receive, administer and expend funds appropriated for its use;

     (8)  Receive, administer and expend the proceeds of any issue of school bonds or other bonds intended wholly or partly for its benefit;

     (9)  Apply for, accept and utilize grants, gifts or other assistance, and, if not contrary to law, comply with the conditions, if any, attached to the grants, gifts or other assistance;

     (10)  Participate in, and make its employees eligible to participate in, any retirement system, group insurance system or other program of employee benefits, on the same terms as govern school districts and their employees; and

     (11)  Do other things that are necessary and incidental to the execution of any of the powers of this subsection (b) and of any other powers conferred upon special education services associations elsewhere in part 1, this part and parts 3-6 of this chapter or in other laws of this state.

[Acts 1972, ch. 839, § 4; T.C.A., § 49-2922; Acts 1994, ch. 768, § 2.]