49-10-1303 - Part definitions.

49-10-1303. Part definitions.

For the purposes of this part, unless the context otherwise requires:

     (1)  “Chemical restraint” means a medication that is prescribed to restrict a student's freedom of movement for the control of extreme violent physical behavior. Chemical restraints are medications used in addition to, or in replacement of, a student's regular drug regimen to control extreme violent physical behavior. The medications that comprise the student's regular medical regimen, including PRN medications, are not considered chemical restraints, even if their purpose is to treat ongoing behavioral symptoms;

     (2)  “Isolation” or “seclusion” means the confinement of a student alone in a room or an area where the student is physically prevented from leaving. This definition is not limited to instances in which a student is confined by a locked or closed door. Isolation does not include time-out, a behavior management procedure in which the opportunity for positive reinforcement is withheld, contingent upon the demonstration of undesired behavior. Time-out may involve the voluntary separation of an individual student from others;

     (3)  “Mechanical restraint” means the application of a mechanical device, material or equipment attached or adjacent to the student's body, including ambulatory restraints, which the student cannot easily remove and that restrict freedom of movement or normal access to the student's body. Mechanical restraint does not include the use of restraints for medical immobilization, adaptive support, or medical protection;

     (4)  “Noxious substance” means the use of any defense spray or substance as defined by departmental rule;

     (5)  “Physical holding restraint” means the use of body contact by school personnel with a student to restrict freedom of movement or normal access to the student's body; and

     (6)  “School personnel” means an individual employed on a full-time or part-time basis by a public school.

[Acts 2008, ch. 1063, § 3.]