48-101-506 - Issuance of registration Renewal Withdrawal of registration.
48-101-506. Issuance of registration Renewal Withdrawal of registration.
(a) The secretary of state shall examine each application for conformity with the requirements of this part and all relevant rules and regulations.
(b) A renewal of registration shall be made in the same manner as the initial registration. The renewal registration shall be accompanied by the following:
(1) (A) A copy of a financial statement on forms approved by the secretary of state. Such report shall also specifically identify the amount of funds raised and all costs and expenses incidental thereto, all publicity costs, and costs of allocation or disbursement of funds raised. This report shall be signed by at least two (2) authorized officers of the organization, one of whom shall be the chief fiscal officer. Such officers shall certify that such report is true and correct to the best of their knowledge; and
(B) The secretary of state may require, by regulation, a copy of any and all forms required to be filed by the organization with the United States internal revenue service, and any other information the secretary deems appropriate to substantiate how funds were raised and spent by the organization.
(2) The annual report of every charitable organization which received in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in gross revenue during the most recently completed fiscal year shall be accompanied by:
(A) An audited financial statement, presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles which has been examined by an independent certified public accountant for the purpose of expressing an opinion thereon; and
(B) Any and all forms required to be filed by a charitable organization with the United States internal revenue service.
For the purpose of determining gross revenue for this subdivision (b)(2) only, grants received from government agencies and private foundations, designated by the internal revenue service as § 501(c)(3) organizations, shall be excluded.
(3) [Deleted by 2007 amendment.]
(c) The registration renewal statement shall be signed by two (2) authorized officers of the charitable organization, one of whom shall be the chief fiscal officer, and such forms and documents shall be accompanied by a registration renewal fee in accordance with the following schedule:
[Acts 1976, ch. 735, § 4; T.C.A., § 48-2204; Acts 1989, ch. 285, §§ 10, 11; 1993, ch. 252, § 14; 1994, ch. 667, §§ 17, 18; T.C.A., § 48-3-506; Acts 1996, ch. 907, § 7; 1997, ch. 227, §§ 1-3; 2001, ch. 97, § 1; 2007, ch. 523, §§ 13-16, 37.]