Part 7 - Transition
- 47-9-701 - Effective date.
- 47-9-702 - Savings clause.
- 47-9-703 - Security interest perfected before effective date.
- 47-9-704 - Security interest unperfected before effective date.
- 47-9-705 - Effectiveness of action taken before effective date.
- 47-9-706 - When initial financing statement suffices to continue effectiveness of financing statement.
- 47-9-707 - Amendment of pre-effective-date financing statement.
- 47-9-708 - Persons entitled to file initial financing statement or continuation statement.
- 47-9-709 - Priority.
- 47-9-710 - Applicability of § 47-9-503 requirements for name of an individual as debtor on financing statement.