47-18-130 - Violations by commercial breeders. [Effective January 1, 2010, through June 30, 2014. See the Compiler's Notes.]

47-18-130. Violations by commercial breeders. [Effective January 1, 2010, through June 30, 2014. See the Compiler's Notes.]

(a)  Notwithstanding any other law, and to be construed as supplementary to any other law, the following shall constitute a separate violation of this part:

     (1)  Each companion animal sold, offered for sale or advertised while a commercial breeder is unlicensed or has had the breeder's license suspended or revoked; or

     (2)  Each unfair or deceptive statement, material omission or action taken by a commercial breeder.

(b)  Any commercial breeder who commits a violation of this section shall be subject to a remedial civil penalty for each separate violation not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).

(c)  Upon reason to believe that a commercial breeder is selling dogs or cats without the license required by title 44, chapter 17, part 7, the attorney general and reporter, after consultation with the director of the division of consumer affairs, may issue a pre-filing request for consumer protection information in accordance with § 47-18-106. Should a person deny the representative access to the premises, the attorney general and reporter shall petition, without cost or bond, any circuit or chancery court of competent jurisdiction for an order granting access to such premises and records. This part shall apply to the issuance of such request.

(d)  This section shall terminate and expire on June 30, 2014.

[Acts 2009, ch. 591, § 2.]