45-3-516 - Accounts as legal investments and as security.
45-3-516. Accounts as legal investments and as security.
(a) Legal Investments.
(1) In addition to investments in savings and loan associations as authorized by other law, administrators, executors, custodians, conservators, guardians, trustees, and other fiduciaries of every kind and nature, insurance companies, business and manufacturing companies, banks, trust companies, savings and loan associations, credit unions, and other types of similar financial institutions, charitable, educational, eleemosynary corporations, funds and organizations, cemeteries, perpetual care funds, state and local governmental agencies and municipal and other public corporations and bodies, and public officials, including, but not limited to, all officials, boards, agencies, and entities described in §§ 9-1-107 and 35-3-117, and all other legal entities are specifically authorized and empowered to invest or deposit funds held by them, without any order of any court, in accounts of associations covered by this chapter and in accounts of federal associations organized under the laws of the United States and under federal supervision, and the investments shall be deemed and held to be legal investments for the funds.
(2) With respect to investments by custodians, associations are deemed to be banks within the meaning of that term as used in § 35-7-102 [repealed].
(3) The commissioner may by regulation provide that accounts in associations shall be legal investments for any persons, firms, corporations, or entities not herein specifically referred to.
(b) Security. Whenever, under the laws of this state or otherwise, a deposit of securities is required for any purpose, the accounts made legal investments by this section shall be acceptable for deposits, and whenever under the laws of this state or otherwise, a bond is required with security, the bond may be furnished, and the accounts made legal investments by this section in the amount of the bond, when deposited therewith, shall be acceptable as security for the bond without other security.
(c) Provisions Supplemental. This section is supplemental to any and all other laws relating to and declaring what shall be legal investments for the persons, fiduciaries, corporations, organizations and officials referred to in this section, and the laws relating to the deposit of securities and the making and filing of bonds for any purpose.
[Acts 1978, ch. 708, § 2.16; T.C.A., § 45-1416.]