45-2-710 - Statute of limitations.
45-2-710. Statute of limitations.
An action to enforce the obligation of a bank to pay all or part of the balance of a deposit account or certificate of deposit, collectively a deposit, must be commenced within six (6) years of the earlier of the following:
(1) The time that the six-year statute of limitations period begins to run under § 47-3-118(e)(1), if the deposit is a certificate of deposit subject to title 47, chapter 3; or
(2) The later of:
(A) The maturity date of the deposit, as set forth in the applicable original contract of deposit;
(B) The due date of the deposit indicated in the bank's last written notice of renewal sent pursuant to § 45-2-618;
(C) The date of the last written communication from the bank recognizing the bank's obligation with respect to the deposit; or
(D) The last day of the taxable year for which the owner of the deposit last reported interest income earned on the deposit on either a federal or state income tax return.
[Acts 2005, ch. 30, § 1.]