43-8-201 - Pesticide dealers License required.

43-8-201. Pesticide dealers License required.

(a)  No person shall sell or offer for sale within this state pesticides classified by the commissioner as being for restricted use, unless such person is the holder of a valid pesticide dealer license. A separate license shall be obtained for each location or outlet from which business is conducted.

(b)  No person shall sell or offer for sale within this state any pesticide classified by the commissioner as being for restricted use unless the person to whom the sale is made holds a valid certificate or license issued by the department of agriculture, as required by § 62-21-115. The pesticide dealer shall require that each purchaser show evidence of such certificate or license prior to finalizing the sale.

[Acts 1975, ch. 239, § 2; T.C.A., § 43-706; Acts 1980, ch. 539, § 5; 2004, ch. 464, § 3.]