43-8-103 - Pesticides Prohibitions as to sale or transportation.
43-8-103. Pesticides Prohibitions as to sale or transportation.
(a) It is unlawful for any person to distribute, sell, or offer for sale within the state of Tennessee, or deliver for transportation or transport in intrastate commerce or between points within this state through any point outside this state any of the following:
(1) Any pesticide that is not registered pursuant to § 43-8-104, or any pesticide where claims or directions for use differ in substance from the representations made in connection with its registration or if the composition of the pesticide differs from its composition as represented in connection with its registration;
(2) Any pesticide, unless it is in the registrant's or the manufacturer's unbroken immediate container, and there is affixed to such container, and to any outside container or wrapper of the retail package where required information on the immediate container cannot be clearly read, a label bearing:
(A) The name and address of the manufacturer, registrant or person for whom manufactured;
(B) The name, brand or trademarks under which the article is sold; and
(C) The net weight or measure of the contents subject, however, to such reasonable variations as the commissioner may permit;
(3) Any pesticide that contains any substance or substances in quantities highly toxic to humans, determined as provided in § 43-8-106, unless the label bears, in addition to any other matter required by this part and part 2 of this chapter:
(A) The skull and crossbones;
(B) The word poison prominently, in red on a background of distinctly contrasting color; and
(C) A statement of an antidote for the pesticide; or
(4) Any pesticide that is adulterated or misbranded.
(b) A violation of this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
[Acts 1951, ch. 150, § 3 (Williams, § 6808.9); 1975, ch. 239, § 1; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 43-703; Acts 1980, ch. 539, § 3; 1989, ch. 591, § 113; 2004, ch. 464, § 1.]