42-3-203 - Joint board.
42-3-203. Joint board.
(a) Public agencies acting jointly pursuant to this part shall create a joint board, which shall consist of members appointed by the governing body of each participating public agency.
(b) The number to be appointed, their terms and compensation, if any, shall be provided for in the joint agreement.
(c) Each joint board shall organize, select officers for such terms as are fixed by the agreement, and adopt and amend from time to time rules for its own procedure.
(d) The joint board shall have powers, as agent of the participating public agencies, to plan, acquire, establish, develop, construct, enlarge, improve, maintain, equip, operate, regulate, protect and police any airport or air navigation facility or avigation easement or airport hazard to be jointly acquired, controlled and operated, and the board may be authorized by the participating public agencies to exercise on behalf of its constituent public agencies all the powers of each with respect to the airport, air navigation facility, avigation easement or airport hazard, subject to the limitations of § 42-3-204.
[Acts 1957, ch. 376, § 14; T.C.A., § 42-617.]