Chapter 4 - Jails and Jailers
- 41-4-101 - Duty of sheriff Appointment of jailer.
- 41-4-102 - Delivery of jail and prisoners to successor in office.
- 41-4-103 - Persons confined Evaluation authorized.
- 41-4-104 - Inmates en route to penitentiary.
- 41-4-105 - Federal prisoners.
- 41-4-106 - Filing of process.
- 41-4-107 - [Obsolete.]
- 41-4-108 - Support of prisoners.
- 41-4-109 - Food and bedding.
- 41-4-110 - Segregation of sexes.
- 41-4-111 - Cleanliness.
- 41-4-112 - Keys kept at jail.
- 41-4-113 - Night duty.
- 41-4-114 - Correspondence and visitors.
- 41-4-115 - Medical care of prisoners.
- 41-4-116 - Jail inspectors.
- 41-4-117 - Violation as misdemeanor.
- 41-4-118 - Employment of guard.
- 41-4-119 - Compensation Taxing of costs.
- 41-4-120 - Board in guarding prisoner.
- 41-4-121 - Safekeeping of prisoners Sufficient jails.
- 41-4-122 - Guard for removal of prisoner.
- 41-4-123 - Redelivery to place of trial.
- 41-4-124 - Allowance of expenses.
- 41-4-125 - Proof of costs.
- 41-4-126 - Allowance for additional guards.
- 41-4-127 - Transportation appropriations by counties having no jail.
- 41-4-128 - Accounts of appropriated funds.
- 41-4-129 - Accounts of sheriffs and jailers.
- 41-4-130 - [Repealed.]
- 41-4-131 - Jailers' fees.
- 41-4-132 - Sheriff's fees.
- 41-4-133 - Filing of sheriff's bills.
- 41-4-134 - Compliance as prerequisite to payment.
- 41-4-135 - Refund to state of costs collected from defendant.
- 41-4-136 - Monthly audit of jailer's fees.
- 41-4-137 - Refund to county of fees collected from defendant.
- 41-4-138 - Physical examination of prisoners.
- 41-4-139 - State prisoners Payment to county or municipality for keeping.
- 41-4-140 - Standards prescribed by Tennessee corrections institute.
- 41-4-141 - Interlocal agreements for joint operation of jails Legislative intent Allowable agreements.
- 41-4-142 - Charging inmates for issued items.
- 41-4-143 - Report on prisoners escaping from work details.
- 41-4-144 - Jailer qualifications.