41-1-503 - Certification of excess population Declaration of prison overcrowding.

41-1-503. Certification of excess population Declaration of prison overcrowding.

(a)  When the commissioner determines that the in-house population has for thirty (30) consecutive days exceeded ninety-five percent (95%) of the relevant designated capacity, or has reasonable grounds to believe that within thirty (30) days the in-house population will, for at least thirty (30) consecutive days, exceed ninety-five percent (95%) of the relevant designated capacity, the commissioner shall so certify to the governor.

(b)  Upon receiving the certification from the commissioner, the governor may declare that a state of overcrowding emergency exists. If the governor so declares, the governor shall immediately notify each member of the select oversight committee on corrections, created by title 3, chapter 15, and the attorney general and reporter that a state of prison overcrowding exists and the approximate number of inmates in the system that is in excess of ninety percent (90%) of the relevant designated capacity.

[Acts 1985 (1st E.S.), ch. 5, § 19.]