40-36-105 - Duties of board of probation and parole.

40-36-105. Duties of board of probation and parole.

In addition to those otherwise provided by law, the board of probation and parole has the following powers, duties and responsibilities:

     (1)  Administer this chapter within the goals and mandates of this chapter;

     (2)  Conduct statewide public education concerning the purposes and goals of this chapter and make a report to the judiciary and fiscal review committees of the general assembly regarding the effectiveness of diversion of offenders from state correctional institutions;

     (3)  Provide technical assistance and training to local governments, private agencies, and local community corrections advisory boards regarding community corrections and the provisions of this chapter;

     (4)  Facilitate the development of local community corrections plans;

     (5)  Develop minimum standards, policies, and administrative rules in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, for the statewide implementation of this chapter;

     (6)  Develop and implement an application process and procedures;

     (7)  Review community corrections plans and provide grant funding; and

     (8)  Conduct an annual program evaluation of all programs once per year or as often as needed to ensure program accountability.

[Acts 1985 (1st E.S.), ch. 3, § 14; 1998, ch. 1049, § 45.]