40-33-110 - Disposition of forfeited conveyance or proceeds of sale of forfeited conveyance.
40-33-110. Disposition of forfeited conveyance or proceeds of sale of forfeited conveyance.
(a) Disposition of a forfeited conveyance or proceeds of goods seized under the provisions of this part shall inure to the benefit of the county in which the goods were seized for enforcement of this part if the goods were seized by county law enforcement officers, or to the municipality in which they were seized if the goods were seized by municipal law enforcement officers, or to the university employing the campus police officers if the goods were seized by campus police officers as defined in § 49-7-118; provided, that the forfeited conveyance or the funds derived from the confiscated goods shall go to the law enforcement agency that seized the conveyance and shall be used exclusively for law enforcement purposes by the county or municipality or university; provided further, that, if the law enforcement agency retains a forfeited conveyance, any liens that are filed against the forfeited conveyance shall be satisfied by the law enforcement agency that retains the conveyance.
(b) In all other cases, the proceeds shall be transmitted to the state treasurer and deposited in the state treasury. Upon application of the commissioner of safety, the proceeds, or any part of the proceeds, may be allocated by the director of the budget to the department of safety as expendable receipts for use in the enforcement of this part.
(c) All proceeds resulting from actions of the Tennessee bureau of investigation or awarded to it in a division of funds shall be paid to the state treasurer to be used only for bureau purposes as appropriated by the general assembly.
[Acts 1977, ch. 81, § 5; 1978, ch. 870, §§ 1, 2; 1981, ch. 365, § 1; 1981, ch. 512, § 7; T.C.A., § 40-4110; Acts 1986, ch. 613, § 4; 2007, ch. 106, § 4.]