40-11-140 - Execution on judgment.

40-11-140. Execution on judgment.

(a)  If judgment is entered in favor of the state on any bail bond, the district attorney general shall have execution issued on the judgment and delivered immediately to the sheriff to be executed by levy on the cash deposited with the clerk of the court or on the real estate described in the deed of trust.

     (1)  The cash shall be used to satisfy the judgment and costs.

     (2)  The real estate shall be sold in the same manner as in execution sales in civil actions and the proceeds of the sale shall be used to satisfy the judgment, all court costs and prior encumbrances, if any.

     (3)  The balance shall be returned to the grantor of the deed of trust.

(b)  The real estate so sold may be redeemed in the same manner as real estate may be redeemed after judicial or execution sales in civil actions.

(c)  The clerk shall have five (5) years from execution on the judgment to demand collection on the judgment.

[Acts 1978, ch. 506, § 36; T.C.A., § 40-1240; 2004, ch. 753, § 1.]