40-11-104 - Authority to release defendants.

40-11-104. Authority to release defendants.

Any magistrate may release the defendant on the defendant's own recognizance pursuant to § 40-11-115 or § 40-11-116 or admit the defendant to bail pursuant to § 40-11-117 or § 40-11-122 at any time prior to or at the time the defendant is bound over to the grand jury. The trial court may release the defendant on the defendant's own recognizance pursuant to § 40-11-115, admit the defendant to bail under § 40-11-116, § 40-11-117 or § 40-11-122, or alter bail or other conditions of release pursuant to § 40-11-144 at any time prior to conviction or thereafter, except where contrary to law.

[Acts 1978, ch. 506, § 4; T.C.A., § 40-1204.]