4-51-127 - Appealing final actions of the board.

4-51-127. Appealing final actions of the board.

(a)  Any retailer, vendor, or applicant for a retailer or vendor contract aggrieved by a final action of the board may appeal that decision to the chancery court of Davidson County.

(b)  The chancery court of Davidson County shall hear appeals from decisions of the board and based upon the record of the proceedings before the board may reverse the decision of the board only if the appellant proves the decision to be:

     (1)  Clearly erroneous;

     (2)  Arbitrary and capricious;

     (3)  Procured by fraud;

     (4)  A result of substantial misconduct by the board; or

     (5)  Contrary to the United States Constitution or the Constitution of Tennessee or the provisions of this chapter.

(c)  The chancery court may remand an appeal to the board to conduct further hearings.

(d)  Any person who appeals the award of a major procurement contract for the supply of a lottery ticket system, share system, or an on-line or other mechanical or electronic system shall be liable for all costs of appeal and defense in the event the appeal is denied or the contract award is upheld. Costs of appeal and defense shall include, but is not limited to, court costs, bond and attorney's fees; provided that, upon motion of the corporation, such costs shall also include any loss of income to the corporation resulting from institution of the appeal if the court finds the appeal to have been frivolous.

[Acts 2003, ch. 297, § 2.]