4-51-118 - Retailer fidelity fund Retailer fee Reserve account to cover losses Retailer bond.

4-51-118. Retailer fidelity fund Retailer fee Reserve account to cover losses Retailer bond.

(a)  The corporation may establish a fidelity fund separate from all other funds and shall assess each retailer a one-time fee not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) per sales location. In accordance with § 4-51-106, the corporation is authorized to invest the funds or place such funds in one (1) or more interest-bearing accounts. Moneys deposited to the fund may be used to cover losses the corporation experiences due to nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance of a lottery retailer. In addition, the funds may be used to purchase blanket bonds covering the corporation against losses from all lottery retailers. At the end of each fiscal year, the corporation shall pay to the lottery for education account any amount in the fidelity fund that exceeds five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), and such funds shall be commingled with and treated as net proceeds from the lottery.

(b)  A reserve account may be established as a general operating expense account to cover amounts deemed uncollectable. The corporation shall establish procedures for minimizing any losses that may be experienced for the foregoing reasons and shall exercise and exhaust all available options in such procedures prior to amounts being written off to this account.

(c)  (1)  The corporation may require any retailer to post an appropriate bond, as determined by the corporation, using an insurance company acceptable to the corporation; provided, however, that after one (1) full fiscal year of lottery operations the amount of any such bond shall not exceed the applicable district sales average of lottery tickets for two (2) quarterly billing periods.

     (2)  In its discretion, the corporation may allow a retailer to deposit and maintain with the corporation securities that are interest bearing or accruing. Securities eligible under this subdivision (c)(2) shall be limited to:

          (A)  Certificates of deposit issued by solvent banks or savings associations organized and existing under the laws of this state or under the laws of the United States;

          (B)  United States bonds, notes, and bills for which the full faith and credit of the United States is pledged for the payment of principal and interest;

          (C)  Federal agency securities by an agency or instrumentality of the United States government.

     (3)  Such securities shall be held in trust in the name of the corporation.

[Acts 2003, ch. 297, § 2.]