4-31-119 - Authority of the Tennessee local development authority to allocate the national qualified energy conservation bond limitation.
4-31-119. Authority of the Tennessee local development authority to allocate the national qualified energy conservation bond limitation.
The state delegates to the Tennessee local development authority the authority to allocate on behalf of the state the portion of the national qualified energy conservation bond limitation, as defined in § 54D of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, codified in 26 U.S.C. § 54D, that is allocated to the state pursuant to § 54D, in a manner consistent therewith. The authority may make such allocations from a list of recommended allocations presented to it by the division of energy of the department of economic and community development. The division of energy of the department of economic and community development shall serve as the coordinator and administrator of such allocation programs, establishing the terms and provisions of the programs and adopting such procedures with respect to such programs as necessary or appropriate.
[Acts 2009, ch. 608, § 6.]