4-3-710 - Energy division Powers concerning promoting conservation.

4-3-710. Energy division Powers concerning promoting conservation.

The division of energy has the power in promoting conservation to:

     (1)  Develop and implement plans, projects or programs for the purpose of energy conservation in regard to residential, commercial, industrial or governmental uses of energy;

     (2)  Coordinate any energy conservation programs or projects undertaken by the state or municipal governments, or by the federal government as permitted by applicable federal law;

     (3)  Participate in or carry out any federal energy conservation programs;

     (4)  Recommend, in coordination with other standards and codes, energy and lighting efficiency building standards for new and renovated buildings in this state. Such standards will be mandatory for all building construction or renovation begun after they take effect. Such standards will be administered by local governments, and if such governments have standards equal to or stricter than the authority standards, the local standards will control;

     (5)  Prepare, implement and administer a plan that encourages utilities to provide conservation services to their customers;

     (6)  Assist the utilities of the state in their actions before those federal agencies that regulate or otherwise control specific energy supplies, if such actions are consistent with state energy policy;

     (7)  Coordinate and maintain, in cooperation with other divisions, and state and federal departments and agencies, a comprehensive educational and information program on energy conservation for the general public. The division shall make a continuing effort to keep the citizens of the state informed as to the most efficient and expeditious means of reducing their use of energy; and

     (8)  Develop and carry out its programs on its own initiative, in cooperation with federal, state or local governments, or with private citizens. Such plans, projects or programs may include, but are not limited to:

          (A)  Van pooling and car pooling plans and incentives;

          (B)  Home weatherization;

          (C)  Development of mass transit alternatives;

          (D)  Incentives to promote residential conservation of energy use;

          (E)  Compilation and dissemination of energy efficiency information;

          (F)  Programs to promote energy conservation in industry and commerce;

          (G)  Encouragement of the use and development within the state of solar, geothermal and other renewable energy resources;

          (H)  Development of energy management systems; and

          (I)  Development of material recycling, handling and management systems.

[Acts 1983, ch. 429, § 7.]