4-3-709 - Energy division Powers concerning promoting research and development.

4-3-709. Energy division Powers concerning promoting research and development.

The division of energy has the power in promoting research and development to:

     (1)  Assist the state, its subdivisions and institutions, private parties, and any energy supplier chartered or regulated under the provisions of this code, through the collection and compilation of information on energy programs throughout the state and the United States, the coordination of research and experimental projects in this state, and contracts and the issuance of grants to Tennessee institutions and citizens for research and experimentation, in the development of:

          (A)  Petroleum and natural gas storage or production capacity wherever such can be located;

          (B)  Coal gasification and liquefaction;

          (C)  Propane, butane or methane storage, shipment, handling and rapid redistribution to areas of need;

          (D)  An energy port authority in connection with a grouping and system interconnection of energy loading, unloading, storage and transfer facilities;

          (E)  Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), fluidized bed combustion and other advanced combustion and conversion facilities;

          (F)  Technology and related facilities for the collection, conversion and use of solar energy;

          (G)  Facilities designed to produce central heating, cooling, electrical energy, or process steam through the combustion of garbage or other wastes;

          (H)  Other energy production, storage or distribution facilities, including co-generation of power; and

          (I)  Technology and related facilities for the collection, conversion and use of methane gas. The division shall cooperate with the University of Tennessee Space Institute and any other state agency studying the use of methane gas;

     (2)  Promote and assist in the execution of programs to gain maximum benefit for citizens of Tennessee from the state's natural energy resources, including, but not limited to:

          (A)  Coal field development and utilization, both surface and subsurface;

          (B)  Oil deposits;

          (C)  Natural gas for intrastate and interstate use;

          (D)  Ores containing fissionable elements;

          (E)  Geographical characteristics;

          (F)  Resource recycling; or

          (G)  Renewable resources;

     (3)  Coordinate the development of energy facilities in this state; and

     (4)  Monitor the spending of any public funds provided for projects under this section, and the progress of any work financed in whole or in part with such funds.

[Acts 1983, ch. 429, § 7; 1995, ch. 201, § 1.]