4-3-1011 - Certification of board fees Regulatory fees.

4-3-1011. Certification of board fees Regulatory fees.

(a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of the law to the contrary, the commissioner of finance and administration shall certify to the director of the division of regulatory boards, as defined in § 4-3-1304, and to the director of the division of health-related boards, as defined in § 63-1-131, the amount of fees required by each board for the subsequent fiscal year based on the general appropriations act for that year. The commissioner shall include the direct costs allocated to each board for the current fiscal year and the subsequent fiscal year, it being the legislative intent that fees and expenditures should be equal over a two-year period for each board, as provided in § 4-29-121. The commissioner shall reduce the certified amount by the amount of any excess fees from the immediately prior two-year period.

(b)  (1)  The fee established pursuant to the amounts certified as set forth in subsection (a) shall be designated as the board fee.

     (2)  In addition to the board fee, each regulatory board shall also assess a state regulatory fee in such amount as is set each year in the general appropriations act. The state regulatory fee shall be in lieu of any allocation of indirect costs that would otherwise be allocated to such boards.

(c)  (1)  Within sixty (60) days after receiving the commissioner's certification of the amount of fees required by each board, the director of the division of regulatory boards and the director of the division of health-related boards shall provide the commissioner with an official estimate of fees to be collected by each board for the fiscal year.

     (2)  To the extent the estimate of fees for an individual board is less than the certified amount, the appropriation for that board shall be reduced in the amount of the deficiency, and the commissioner is directed to reduce the budget of the board accordingly.

     (3)  The general assembly may supplement any board's appropriation from fee revenue by an appropriation of tax revenue by making a specific appropriation of such tax revenue in the general appropriations act.

[Acts 1989, ch. 523, § 1.]