37-2-416 - Notice of hearing to foster parent, adoptive parent or relative providing care.

37-2-416. Notice of hearing to foster parent, adoptive parent or relative providing care.

(a)  The department shall notify the foster parents, if any, or any prospective adoptive parent or relative providing care for the child in state custody with notice of any review or hearing to be held with respect to the child. The foster parents, if any, of such a child and any prospective adoptive parent or relative providing care for the child shall be provided with notice of the right to be heard in any review or hearing to be held with respect to the child, except that this section shall not be construed to require that any foster parent, prospective adoptive parent, or relative providing care for the child be made a party to such a review or hearing solely on the basis of such notice and right to be heard.

(b)  At each hearing, the court shall determine whether the department has complied with this section.

[Acts 1998, ch. 1097, § 22; 2007, ch. 372, § 11; 2008, ch. 906, § 3.]