37-1-506 - Report and publishing of juvenile court information, including cases, informal adjustments, pretrial diversions and identifying information.

37-1-506. Report and publishing of juvenile court information, including cases, informal adjustments, pretrial diversions and identifying information.

(a)  The clerk of each juvenile court shall, each month, report to the executive secretary such information as the council may require concerning cases handled by such court, including, but not limited to, informal adjustments, pretrial diversions, and all other dispositions made by the court. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 37-1-153 or any other law to the contrary, the council may require identifying information to be reported in order that the council may more accurately track recidivism rates and other pertinent trends relating to juveniles. Notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the contrary, identifying information received by the council shall be confidential; shall not be published, released, or otherwise disseminated; and shall be maintained in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations regarding confidentiality. The council may publish data and make such data available to properly concerned agencies and individuals, or to any person upon request. Any such publication or release of data shall be limited to non-identifying information. The council shall develop guidelines and procedures to expunge identifying information collected on juveniles; provided, that such expunction shall occur only after the juvenile reaches the age that is beyond jurisdiction of the juvenile court.

(b)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to mandate any change in a county's decision regarding the division of reporting responsibility between the juvenile court clerk and the youth services officer.

[Acts 1982, ch. 937, § 1; T.C.A., § 37-283; Acts 1990, ch. 1024, § 19; 1999, ch. 264, §§ 1, 2.]