37-1-211 - Clerks of special juvenile courts.

37-1-211. Clerks of special juvenile courts.

(a)  The appropriate legislative body of a county having a special juvenile court may, by resolution, designate the duly elected clerk of another court of that county to serve as clerk of the special juvenile court. In any county in which the legislative body does not designate a duly elected clerk of another court to serve as clerk of the special juvenile court, the judge of such special juvenile court shall appoint a clerk or an administrator of the court, except in counties where a duly elected clerk is otherwise provided by law. Clerks of such special juvenile courts shall, under the supervision of the judge, keep all records of the court, and shall have all the duties, authorities, and obligations provided by law for clerks of other courts of record of this state, and shall give an appropriate surety bond for the faithful performance of their duties.

(b)  The provisions of subsection (a) shall only apply in counties having a population, according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census, of:

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(c)  Nothing in this section shall be construed as affecting special juvenile courts authorized by law or elected juvenile court clerks.

[Acts 1982, ch. 934, § 11; T.C.A., § 37-271; Acts 1988, ch. 629, § 1; 2003, ch. 226, §§ 2-6, 8.]