Part 4 - Emergency Involuntary Admission to Inpatient Treatment
- 33-6-401 - Emergency detention.
- 33-6-402 - Detention without warrant authorized.
- 33-6-403 - Admission to treatment facility.
- 33-6-404 - Certificate of need for emergency treatment and transportation.
- 33-6-405 - [Reserved.]
- 33-6-406 - Transportation of detainee to treatment facility.
- 33-6-407 - Examination to determine need for hospitalization.
- 33-6-408 - Admission of person already at treatment facility.
- 33-6-409 - [Repealed.]
- 33-6-410 - Admission of detainee to state facility.
- 33-6-411 - Admission of detainee to private or local facility with contractual relationship with state.
- 33-6-412 - Admission of detainee to other private or local facility Payment for services.
- 33-6-413 - Notice of admission to general sessions court Notice of defendant's rights and status. [Amended effective January 1, 2010. See the Compiler
- 33-6-414 - Detention for twenty-four (24) hours if judge not available.
- 33-6-415 - Treatment not to render defendant unable to participate in probable cause hearing.
- 33-6-416 - Order of admission Notice to next of kin or representative.
- 33-6-417 - Release or transfer prior to hearing.
- 33-6-418 - Procedure for probable cause hearing.
- 33-6-419 - Notice to court of legal representation Appointment of counsel.
- 33-6-420 - Waiver of hearing.
- 33-6-421 - Filing of certificates of need.
- 33-6-422 - Finding of probable cause Involuntary commitment for care for up to fifteen (15) days.
- 33-6-423 - Release of defendant if findings not made by court.
- 33-6-424 - Release of defendant if chief officer determines certificates of need not supported by facts.
- 33-6-425 - Detention not to be at jail or other criminal custodial facility unless defendant under arrest for crime.
- 33-6-426 - Certification by physician required.
- 33-6-427 - Authority of licensed psychologist or other mental health professional.