33-3-602 - Contents of complaint for commitment.

33-3-602. Contents of complaint for commitment.

A complaint for commitment shall be sworn and shall show that the defendant is subject to involuntary care and treatment under the commitment statute on which the complaint is based, and shall be accompanied either by a sworn statement by the plaintiff that the defendant has refused to be examined by certifying professionals or by certificates of need as required by the commitment statute showing:

     (1)  That the certifying professionals have examined the defendant within three (3) days of the date of the certificate;

     (2)  That they are of the opinion that the defendant is subject to involuntary care and treatment under the commitment statute; and

     (3)  The factual foundation for their conclusions on each item of the commitment statute.

[Acts 1983, ch. 323, § 9; T.C.A., § 33-361; Acts 1984, ch. 922, § 16; 2000, ch. 947, § 1.]