3-6-112 - Annual ethics course for supervisory personnel in the executive branch Manuals and guides.

3-6-112. Annual ethics course for supervisory personnel in the executive branch Manuals and guides.

(a)  The Tennessee ethics commission shall provide an annual ethics course concerning compliance with the laws administered and enforced by the commission for supervisory personnel in the executive branch of state government. The commission shall notify administrative departments and divisions in advance of the time and location of the course. The course may be offered on multiple occasions in locations that will make attendance by personnel in the three (3) grand divisions reasonably convenient. The ethics course shall include, but not be limited to, discussion of relevant laws, administrative regulations, advisory opinions, current ethical issues and situations, and development of problem-solving skills.

(b)  Administrative departments and divisions shall annually select appropriate supervisory personnel and shall communicate the name, position, and contact information of each individual required to attend the annual course to the commission prior to February 1.

(c)  In addition to any other manuals or guides prepared and published by the commission, the commission shall provide a manual for supervisory personnel of the executive branch that includes ethics statutes and administrative regulations relevant to such personnel, explanations of purposes and principles underlying the laws, explanations of technical and specific legal requirements, examples of practical applications of the laws and principles, a question-and-answer section regarding common problems and situations, summaries of advisory opinions, and any other information that would inform supervisory personnel of the executive branch about ethics laws and regulations and assist them in applying those laws and regulations to specific situations. The manual may be distributed to supervisory personnel, and shall be made available to the public, by posting the manual in pdf format on the commission's web site.

[Acts 2006 (1st Ex. Sess.) ch. 1, § 26.]