22-5-314 - Limitation on jury service in Shelby County. [Effective in Certain Counties. See the Compiler

22-5-314. Limitation on jury service in Shelby County. [Effective in Certain Counties. See the Compiler’s Notes.]

(a)  In counties having a population of over six hundred thousand (600,000), according to the 1970 federal census or any subsequent federal census, actual service upon a jury, in the county for fifteen (15) days during any one (1) year shall exempt the person so serving from jury duty and make the person ineligible to further service during the year in which such service takes place except in the cases provided in this section.

(b)  The jury commissioners shall keep a record of the days each person has served on the juries in the county.

(c)  Actual service upon a jury in the county shall include not only those days on which the person may have been actually sitting on the jury in the trial of causes, but also those days in actual attendance upon the court, though not actually sitting upon the cause on trial.

(d)  The fifteen (15) days' limitation imposed by this section shall not prohibit a juror from sitting during the entire trial in any cause; and shall not apply to grand juries, which shall serve for one (1) whole term.

[Acts 1980, ch. 903, § 9; T.C.A., § 22-244; T.C.A. § 22-2-314.]