22-5-302 - Selection of names for jury list Jury book Jury box. [Effective in Certain Counties. See the Compiler

22-5-302. Selection of names for jury list Jury book Jury box. [Effective in Certain Counties. See the Compiler’s Notes.]

(a)  (1)  The board of jury commissioners shall meet in the circuit court clerk's office at a time fixed by the judge or judges appointing the board, and on the first Monday in the month in which such original meeting is held every two (2) years thereafter, and shall then and there select, from the tax records of the county, and records or lists of persons eighteen (18) years of age and older residing in the county who are licensed to drive, or other available and reliable sources, but shall not include the permanent voter registration records as the sole or primary source, a list of names of upright and intelligent persons known for their integrity, fair character and sound judgment who are otherwise legally qualified to serve as jurors from each district in the county and in proportion to the population of such districts, as near as may be, to serve as jurors in the circuit and criminal courts of such county for the ensuing two (2) years.

     (2)  The number of such names to be placed on the list shall be that number determined by the judge or judges appointing the board as provided in part 1 of this chapter.

     (3)  The list shall constitute the jury list for two (2) years from the making of this list and shall not during the two (2) years be added to or taken from, except as provided in this part.

(b)  (1)  The circuit court clerk as clerk of the board shall purchase a suitable and well-bound book in which to record the list.

     (2)  At the top of each page shall be written or printed the words, “Jury list for  _____________________________________ County.” The book shall be so ruled as to leave a space at the left-hand side of each page for the names and at the right-hand side for such entries as hereinafter provided.

     (3)  Preceding the list of names in the book shall be written these words, “Jury List Selected by the Board of Jury Commissioners for  _____________________________________ County, on the  _________  day of  ___________________ , 20  _________ .” Immediately following this heading shall be recorded the list of jurors selected, placing one (1) name on each line, arranging the names in alphabetical order and numbering them on the left-hand side consecutively, beginning with No. 1. After each name there shall be placed in parentheses the initials of the commissioner proposing such name, but no name shall be placed on such list except by a majority vote of the board.

     (4)  At the end of the list shall be written and signed by the commissioners the following: “We, the Jury Commissioners of  _________  County, certify that the foregoing is the jury list selected by us for the next two (2) years for the county. This the  _________  day of  ___________________ , 20  _________ .”

(c)  (1)  The names on the list preceded by the original number thereof and followed with the initials in parentheses of the commissioners who proposed each name shall be written by the clerk on tickets or cards of paper uniform in size, and placed in a box to be known as the jury box in the presence of the commissioners, the box to be kept securely locked and under seal, and it shall not be unlocked or the seal broken except by the order of and in the presence of the board and the clerk, and then only for the purpose of refilling the box or drawing therefrom the names of jurors for jury service, or in open court by order of the judge holding court for good and sufficient cause, or by order of the judge holding court as hereinafter provided.

     (2)  The jury book shall be kept in secret by the clerk under lock and key and no one shall be allowed to inspect the same except the presiding judge, the jury commissioners or the clerk with the commissioners when in discharge of the official duties of the board of jury commissioners.

(d)  In any county of this state, if a majority of the circuit and criminal law judges and chancellors holding court in the county finds that the tax records and permanent registration records of the county, and records or lists of persons eighteen (18) years of age and older residing in the county who are licensed to drive, or other available and reliable sources, are so tabulated and arranged that names can be selected therefrom by mechanical or electronic means in such manner as to assure proportionate distribution of names selected without opportunity for the intervention of any human agency to select a particular name, then and in that event, such judges and chancellors may authorize the jury commission to obtain names for jury venires from such source and by such method.

[Acts 1959, ch. 8, § 5; 1980, ch. 903, § 7; T.C.A., § 22-228; Acts 1983, ch. 108, § 1; 1985, ch. 343, §§ 1, 2; 1993, ch. 309, § 1; T.C.A. § 22-2-302.]