22-2-101 - Application of chapter. [Effective in Certain Counties. See the Compiler
22-2-101. Application of chapter. [Effective in Certain Counties. See the Compilers Notes.]
[Effective in Certain Counties. See the Compiler's Notes.]
(a) This chapter applies to all grand and petit juries in all circuit and criminal courts of this state. This chapter also applies to any law court in any of the counties.
(b) Except as provided in § 22-4-101, every private act enacted in this state touching in any way upon the subject of juries, jurors or jury commissioners is repealed in its entirety.
(1) This chapter shall not apply in counties having a population, according to the 2000 federal census or any subsequent federal census, of:
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(2) Jurors and jury panels for the courts in the counties referenced in subdivision (b)(1) shall continue to be selected in accordance with this chapter as it existed immediately prior to January 1, 2009, which has been compiled in chapter 5 of this title; provided, however, that each member of the board of jury commissioners shall be paid the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) for each day or fraction of each day spent in the discharge of the duties of the board, which shall be paid by the county from its general fund.
(c) The jury selection methods in the chancery courts of this state shall not be affected in any way by this chapter, except as provided in § 22-2-312.
[Acts 2008, ch. 1159, § 1.]