2-3-101 - Polling places Designation Relocation.

2-3-101. Polling places Designation Relocation.

(a)  All elections shall be held in polling places designated by the county election commission. Each polling place shall be in the precinct it is to serve. If a county election commission determines that there is no place within a precinct which meets the requirements of this title for polling places, it shall designate the nearest available and suitable place no more than one-half (½) mile from the precinct boundary as the polling place. If no accessible polling place is available within the precinct, or, within the one-half (½) mile limit outside the precinct, with the approval of the state coordinator of elections, the county election commission may designate a suitable place within three (3) miles. No polling place location may be changed within ten (10) days of an election except in an emergency.

(b)  (1)  In any county having a metropolitan form of government and a population greater than one hundred thousand (100,000) according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census, if space is available, no more than one (1) polling place for a precinct may be located in the same room.

     (2)  At least thirty (30) days before a polling place is relocated, the county election commission shall mail a notice of intent to relocate to the elected officials representing the affected area. Such notice of intent shall be mailed to the candidates before the time the voters are notified of the change as provided in § 2-3-105. The provisions of this subdivision (b)(2) shall only apply to any county having a metropolitan form of government and a population greater than one hundred thousand (100,000) according to the 1980 federal census or any subsequent federal census.

[Acts 1972, ch. 740, § 1; T.C.A., § 2-301; Acts 1989, ch. 78, §§ 1, 2; 1997, ch. 558, § 6.]