17-4-115 - Declaration of candidacy for reelection for full term Time of filing Exception Form of ballot Rejection of candidate Appointment.

17-4-115. Declaration of candidacy for reelection for full term Time of filing Exception Form of ballot Rejection of candidate Appointment.

(a)  (1)  An incumbent appellate judge who seeks election or re-election for a full eight-year term must qualify by filing with the state election commission a written declaration of candidacy. The declaration must be filed not later than twelve o'clock (12:00) noon prevailing time on the first Thursday in February immediately preceding the end of the term. After timely filing the declaration, any request by the candidate to withdraw must be filed with the state election commission not later than twelve o'clock (12:00) noon prevailing time on the seventh day after the deadline for filing the declaration of candidacy.

     (2)  An incumbent appellate judge who seeks election for a full eight-year term but who was appointed to the office after the first Thursday in February before the next regular August election occurring more than thirty (30) days after occurrence of the vacancy that was filled by the incumbent appellate judge must qualify by filing with the state election commission a written declaration of candidacy. The declaration must be filed not later than the first Thursday occurring at least one (1) full week after the appointment. After timely filing the declaration, any request by the candidate to withdraw must be filed with the state election commission not later than twelve o'clock (12:00) noon prevailing time on the seventh day after the deadline for filing the declaration of candidacy.

     (3)  Title 2, chapter 5, part 1, does not apply to an election in which an incumbent appellate judge seeks election or re-election for a full eight-year term, unless a contested election is required by subsection (c) or subdivision (d)(2).

(b)  (1)  If the declaration of candidacy is timely filed, only the name of the candidate, without party designation, shall be submitted to the electorate in this state in the regular August election. Each county election commission of the state shall cause the following to be placed on the ballot:  

Shall (Name of Candidate) be retained or replaced in office as a Judge of the (Name of the Court) ?

_____ Retain


_____ Replace.  

     (2)  If the declaration of candidacy is not timely filed, then the judicial performance evaluation commission shall not include an evaluation or retention recommendation for the incumbent judge within the final report publicly disclosed pursuant to § 17-4-201(c), and the judge's name shall not be submitted to the electorate.

(c)  If the judicial performance evaluation commission makes a recommendation “for replacement” of an incumbent appellate judge but the judge nevertheless files or has filed the declaration of candidacy required by subsection (a), then subdivision (b)(1) shall not be applicable and the eight-year term shall be filled by means of a contested election conducted in accordance with general election law set forth in title 2. If the judge's term of office is abbreviated because of death, resignation or removal after the filing of the declaration of candidacy but prior to the third Thursday in May preceding the regular August general election, then the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with § 17-4-112 or § 17-4-113, and no such contested election shall be held. In accordance with § 2-13-203, each political party may nominate a candidate and independent candidates may qualify under the general election law for the contested election, which shall be the regular August election. After a judge is elected under this subsection (c), the provisions of this chapter concerning the evaluation and retention process shall again apply.

(d)  (1)  If a majority of those voting on the question vote to retain the candidate, then the candidate is duly elected to the office for a full eight-year term and given a certificate of election.

     (2)  If a majority or one half (1/2) of those voting on the question vote to replace the candidate, then a vacancy exists in the office as of September 1 following the regular August election. The governor shall fill the vacancy in the office in accordance with § 17-4-112 or § 17-4-113; however, at the next regular August general election, this office shall be filled by means of a contested election conducted in accordance with general election law set forth in title 2. In accordance with § 2-13-203, each political party may nominate a candidate and independent candidates may qualify under the general election law for the contested election. After the office is filled by contested election under this subdivision (d)(2), the provisions of this chapter concerning the evaluation and retention process shall again apply to the office.

[Acts 2009, ch. 517, § 1.]