16-3-304 - Adjournment to court in course.

16-3-304. Adjournment to court in course.

(a)  The clerk, at the expiration of the week  specified in § 16-3-303, or the single judge in attendance in the case mentioned in § 16-3-303(a), if satisfied that a quorum cannot be had, may adjourn to the court in course.

(b)  Adjournment works no discontinuance in any case, but the business stands over until the next term, and may then be disposed of, and all process, recognizances, or other obligations enforced as if no continuance had been made.

[Code 1858, §§ 4508, 4509; Shan., §§ 6342, 6343; Code 1932, §§ 10644, 10645; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 16-319.]