16-2-520 - Additional assistant district attorney general positions.
16-2-520. Additional assistant district attorney general positions.
(a) Effective July 1, 2004, there are created thirty (30) additional assistant district attorney general positions to be designated in judicial districts as provided in this section.
(b) (1) The executive director of the district attorneys general conference and the administrative director of the courts shall meet and prepare a report that contains the recommendations of such officials as to the specific judicial districts in which the additional assistant district attorney general positions created pursuant to subsection (a) should be designated. The report shall be prepared in consultation with the comptroller of the treasury.
(2) By October 1, 2004, the executive director of the district attorneys general conference shall file the report prepared pursuant to subdivision (b)(1) with the speakers of the senate and house of representatives and chairs of the judiciary committees of the senate and house of representatives. Upon the filing of the report, the district attorneys general recommended by the report to receive additional assistant positions shall be authorized to interview and employ persons to fill such positions.
(c) As early as is practicable during the first session of the 104th General Assembly, the general assembly shall consider and enact legislation that specifically designates the judicial district in which the persons employed in the additional assistant district attorney general positions created pursuant to subsection (a) will serve.
(d) The number of assistant district attorney general positions created by this section or to which the district attorney general of each judicial district is entitled pursuant to § 16-2-506 or any other provision of law shall be the minimum number of positions authorized in each district. Nothing in this section or any other provision of law shall be construed to prohibit or prevent the employment of additional assistant district attorneys general in a particular judicial district, regardless of whether the positions are funded by a state or non-state source, or whether they are specifically enumerated in this section, § 16-2-506 or any other provision of law.
[Acts 2004, ch. 916, § 1; 2006, ch. 815, § 2.]