13-7-119 - Compiling of effective zoning ordinance and map Zoning ordinance and map as public record Challenge to accuracy.
13-7-119. Compiling of effective zoning ordinance and map Zoning ordinance and map as public record Challenge to accuracy.
(a) Any county that has exercised zoning powers under this part shall compile its zoning ordinance and map, as amended, that is in effect so as to be able to provide any member of the public with a current zoning ordinance and map. In that county, the county legislative body shall authenticate, compile, update, keep, maintain and make available the zoning ordinance, map and all amendments as a public record. Any county zoning ordinance and map made available to the public through a compilation made pursuant to this section, whether in electronic or paper form, shall be presumed to be a true and accurate statement of the county's zoning ordinance and map.
(b) Any party challenging the accuracy of any county zoning ordinance or map compiled as currently in effect in accordance with this section, whether in a rezoning proceeding before a county legislative body, an appeal to a board of zoning appeals, a subdivision or site plan approval proceeding before a planning commission or in any judicial proceeding, must prove the inaccuracy of the zoning ordinance or map by clear and convincing evidence.
[Acts 2009, ch. 338, § 1.]