13-7-118 - Land use plan in certain counties that are in an early action compact or in nonattainment for air quality.

13-7-118. Land use plan in certain counties that are in an early action compact or in nonattainment for air quality.

(a)  This section applies to any county in the state of Tennessee that either is in an early action compact or is in nonattainment for air quality according to the environmental protection agency as of April 15, 2004.

(b)  Any county that qualifies under subsection (a) and whose population according to the 2000 federal census was sixty thousand (60,000) or more and the county as of April 15, 2004, did not have a land use plan, shall adopt a land use plan which states that air quality issues will be considered as part of the county-wide land use plans.

[Acts 2004, ch. 901, §§ 1, 2.]