13-10-101 - Chapter definitions.

13-10-101. Chapter definitions.

As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:

     (1)  “Commissioner” means the commissioner of transportation;

     (2)  “Department” means the department of transportation;

     (3)  “Local government” means an incorporated municipality, county, agency or instrumentality of an incorporated municipality or county, two (2) or more of the foregoing acting jointly, or an authority established by law to provide mass transportation services, or a nonprofit corporation authorized to provide mass transportation services;

     (4)  “Mass transportation project” means the planning, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance or operation of any mass transportation system or capital equipment used in connection therewith; and

     (5)  “Project cost” means actual or estimated cost of a mass transportation project, including relocation assistance payments, or the estimated reasonable cost thereof as approved by the commissioner, whichever is lower, less any federal assistance received or to be received for the project.

[Acts 1972, ch. 829, § 2; 1973, ch. 140, § 4; 1977, ch. 276, §§ 2-5; T.C.A., § 13-1701; Acts 1981, ch. 264, § 22; 2000, ch. 750, § 1.]